The world is changing rapidly and drastically. Certainly when it comes to ICT. In a changing society, innovation is the only to way keep up. Innovation is created by working together, co-creation and cooperation. Among companies and schools. This is what we focus on everyday at the Fontys ICT Innovation Lab in the Innovation District Strijp-T in Eindhoven. In this historical environment, partners come together in an atmosphere of open innovation. SPARC* is proud to contribute to this.
The Fontys ICT Innovation Lab provides an Open Innovation environment at the formerĀ Philips industrial grounds Strijp-T. This historic heart of Eindhoven innovation was once the breeding ground of NXP and ASML. The Lab offers expertise in the full expanse of the ICT profession. It is the premier Research & Development environment of and for SMEs in the Brainport region.